

: The Problem of Waldergrave

John ALDRICH: “But you have to remember P.J.Daniell of Sheffield

Simona MORINI: Bruno de Finetti : l’origine de son subjectivisme

Daniel J.DENIS and Kara R.DOCHERTY : Late Nineteenth Century Britain : the rise of multivariate analysis

Mathieu TRICLOT:Information et Entropie. Un double jeu avec les probabilités.

TRACES ET MEMOIRES / Trails and Memory

A/ Richard W. FAREBROTHER and Caroline ELLIOTT: Name Index to Elizabeth Hill’s Biographical Essay on Roger Boscovich

B/ Laurent MAZLIAK: An Introduction to Karel Vorovka’s philosophy of randomness completed by the English translation of the following documents

B1) Bohuslav HOSTINSKY : O cinnosti Karla Vorovky ve filosofii matematiky (On Karel Vorovka’s contribution to the philosophy of mathematics) (Ruch Filo., VIII, 2, 1929)

B2) Karel VOROVKA : Poznámka k problemu ruinováni hrácu (Observation on the problem of the gambler’s ruin ) (CPMF, 41, 1912)